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  1. universo mar-vel

    Shaper of Dreams

    A silly place, on second thought

    in america c'è stata una grossa polemica perchè su cap America danno un immagine non molto positiva dei repubblicani, e in una scena Bucky critica dei manifestanti...
    ..non è una novità che Cap è sempre stato liberale, ma evidentemente in America non se n'erano mai accorti perchè hanno scatenato un putiferio...

    Captain America Versus the Teabaggers
    Posted by Paul Constant on Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 12:34 PM

    NEWSFLASH! Teabaggers are outraged. Wait, that didn't come out right. How about this? NEWSFLASH! Teabaggers are outraged by a funny book. Publius's Forum outlines the latest issue of Captain America, in which the Captain (and his partner, The Falcon, who is black) have to engage with a Tea Party in order to infiltrate a "white supremacist, anti-government, survivalists type" group called The Watchdogs.

    Publius is outraged for many reasons, but here is the first: "Naturally, the people in these crowds are depicted as being filled with nothing but white folks." Um? The only non-whites I've ever seen at Tea Parties, either in my own experience or from watching videos, have been onstage, speaking. An all-white teabagger crowd is probably the most realistic thing going on in that issue of Captain America. And Publius goes on:

    So, there you have it, America. Tea Party protesters just “hate the government,” they are racists, they are all white folks, they are angry, and they associate with secretive white supremacist groups that want to over throw the U.S. government...Nice going Marvel Comics. Thanks for making patriotic Americans into your newest super villains.
    Captain America has advanced the liberal agenda several times before, of course. Once, he fought Ronald Reagan, who had turned into a snake-man, and once he was in the room when a disgraced Richard Nixon shot himself.

    basti pensare che Cap ha sempre avuto periodi bui in coincidenza con un periodo di presidenza repubblicano...coincidenza? mah...

    Edited by universo mar-vel - 15/3/2010, 19:02
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